Sunday, January 3, 2010

DT 13.2 - Blogging Non-School -Related Photos (Dec. 27)

Day after Boxing Day.
For excitement, we're driving back to Moosejaw for lunch. The plan is to go to this Sushi restaurant in town and see how I'm going to react (I've never had Shushi before . . bah! Humbug!) I hear snickers and giggles around murmuring about smoked eel and Wasabi. I'm in big trouble! Luckily, to distract me from my lunchtime "food" challenge, I see . . . another potentially fantastic landscape scene! Whip the car over to the side of the road again (I think they're getting used to it by now), jump out with the camera, but this time I don't have to cross the ditch. Instead, I'm shuffling sideways along the highway to get the sun in position so that it JUST starts peaking over the top of the grain elevator. Snap! Got it. Back in the car again just in time to hear something about pickled ginger. Hmmmm?! I check my wallet. I move my Manitoba Medical card to the top of my collection.
Check out the BOAT! They can't keep their hands/chopsticks out of there! Notice the Bento box. Guess who? I recognize the rice, the rest . . . not so much.

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