Sunday, January 3, 2010

DT 13.2 - Blogging Non-School -Related Photos (Dec. 28)

All great holidays must come to an end, and so we start our trek back to Winnipeg on Monday morning, Dec. 28. The sun is shining and the roads are dry and clear. Perfect winter driving conditions. Also good for, you know . . . great winter photos!
The moist air overnight has left hoarfrost on the trees and telephone wires, all along the highway. Of course, I'm looking for that one or two shots to take under these unique conditions, and have ALMOST stopped several times alone the way. Suddenly, ANOTHER great photo op appears around the bend and I wait for a cross-over turnoff to double back and take the shot. This time there's no room to pull over onto the shoulder because there is no shoulder to speak of, so I park in the turnoff and walk back a block to the scene. This time the ditch is very large and very deep, but my photo op is sitting at the top of this ridge, so I plow through. I was able to catch the hoarfrost on the fence, the wire and the trees. It looks cold and fresh and sunny.

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