Friday, October 30, 2009

Sarah's ZOO Field Trip

"Shooting for fun"?!! I haven't heard that offer for a while.! At first, I had visions of tramping around the zoo in the rain and snow, but luckily, we were spared the weather drama and it stayed cold and windy instead. The class quickly split into groups as we wound our way through all the paths and back "alleys" in the park. Every so often we would come across a building that we could go into, get warmed up, AND shoot! What a treat!

Without having a specific list of subjects to catch, we were free to shoot whatever caught our attention, including animals. We were sharing ideas with each other, and that just fed the creativity amongst the group. It would be interesting to see a collective slideshow where everyone got to contribute their best 5 or 6 shots for the whole class to enjoy. (hint, hint).

Everyone seemed to enjoy their "time out" and the freedom that the assignment outlined. It was also a chance to try to utilize some of the tricks and lessons learned over the past few weeks in a more casual atmosphere. Thanks, Sarah, for this special field trip! Hope you're resting up this weekend!

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