Thursday, November 26, 2009

Color Block in Creative Imaging

Color... The final frontier. Sorry 'bout that. Color! The reason I get up every morning. I don't know what it is, but, whenever I raise my camera to my eye, I see shapes and COLOR. It's fantastic! My eye is drawn to those splashes of bright, powerful hues that demand my attention. Each color has its own voice and tone.

Some speak softly and quietly like the blue hallway in my collection. While setting up my tripod and camera there, I felt cool and calm. The painted walls were glossy smooth and it felt as though I was inside a cloud where everything was quiet and serene.

Other colors virtually scream for someone to see them, such as the bright red roof over the Scotia Bank bandstand at the Forks. Red is my favorite color, and it doesn't take much to make a statement. While walking through the Forks grounds, I cut through the Scotia Bank grandstand, intending to make my way over to the bridge from the parking lot. When I got under the roof, the morning sun lit up the rafters and sheeting like it was a forest fire! It was over the top!

I find it easier to notice more primary or pure colors when I'm out and about. My goal is to learn to see more muted and subtle color combinations, which should be easier as we move from fall into winter. My other challenge is to develop my images of muted colors with a softer touch. It's easy to punch up the brighter colors so that they're almost talking to you, but I think the real challenge is to convey the quiet, confident blending of more subtle tones and hues, and not over-do the processing. These more subtle tones can be just as powerful as the bright colors, and have to power to stop the viewer in their tracks and, "take a break", and relax in the quiet compositions.

Bright colors are the "big sticks" in the visual world, but subtle hues and tones are the velvet touch that can carry just as much weight with the viewer and maybe help them to ponder on life for just a few minutes. It's all good.

Hope you enjoy my Color Block Collection.